How to Get More Eyes on Your Stories: Social Media Promotion Tips

20 Sept 2024

Hey Hackers!

Have you ever written an amazing, near-perfect article only for the views to not reflect your hard work? We know what that feels like, so here are some quick tips on how to promote your stories on social media.

1. It’s Okay to be Shameless

You might feel awkward telling people to go check out your work at first, but once you continuously do it, that awkwardness will wash away. But beyond that, take it one step further. Don’t just promote your story on LinkedIn. Make sure to promote it on every social media that you have, Twitter, Facebook, etc. Don’t feel as if you’re bombarding people; instead, look at it as if you are covering all your bases.

Because even if your story doesn’t get the views you think it deserves, at least you can’t say you didn’t try.

2. How to Curate the Perfect Post

Okay, you want to blast your article into the four corners of the internet. But you can’t just post the link, hit “Submit Post”, and call it a day. You have to give it a little pizzazz. Here’s how to do that:

  1. Ensure your article has an eye-catching image: once you add your article’s link to the post, the feature image will also be visible. So, it has to be an attention-grabbing image.
  2. Add a little excerpt from your article: pick out a few sentences from your article where you were really in the zone, and add them to your post. Give people a little preview, a reason to want to click on your article’s link, and read the whole thing.

Once you do these two things, you have a great promotional post. Go ahead and hit send!

3. Build Connections With Other Writers

The best way to climb a mountain is by doing it together. There are thousands of writers just like you who are trying to get more eyes on their work. So, why not work together? Start following other writers, interact with their posts, and check out their articles. By doing this repeatedly, you’ll build relationships with your fellow writers. And it’s a mutually beneficial relationship; you support them, and in turn, they’ll support you.

Promoting your writing is just as important as doing the actual writing. By following these three tips, you’ll increase your chances of getting more people to appreciate your work!

Did you know?

We've added an auto-tweet feature via API! Now, every published HackerNoon story is automatically shared on Twitter, featuring the meta description, the first two tags as hashtags, and tagging the writer’s Twitter handle if available —giving your story extra exposure with no extra effort.

Learn more about how HackerNoon distributes your story here.

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Introducing our new, sleek, and improved tags page. Browsing articles on HackerNoon has never been easier. All of our tags are in one place in a convenient manner. You can sort the tags by most used, trending, or even last published.

But that’s not all. If you find a tag that you’re a big fan of, for example, gaming, you can go to its page and subscribe to get all the latest gaming articles delivered right to your inbox.

See you next time Hackers!