HackerNoon isn’t just one of the biggest tech publications out there; it’s also the most accessible. The company encourages everyone, both first-time readers and long-time writers, to submit their articles on the website.
Why Get Published on HackerNoon?
Of course, one might wonder just what the benefits are for doing so. There are so many different ways to get a person’s writing out there, from personal blogs to other massive publications. But this is a place of opportunity for aspiring writers, and here we will explain just a few reasons why you should get published on HackerNoon and join our writer community.
1. Ease of Access to Writers and Readers

Many publications and websites offer little in the way of accessibility. Aspiring writers usually have to go through long application processes to get things set up. Then, when they finally get the chance to write, they usually have very few options as to what system they can use.
HackerNoon makes the task of joining the website much easier; newcomers simply have to click “Start Writing” and create an account. From there, they begin writing on whatever tech-related topic they want in the form of a draft. HackerNoon provides multiple editors depending on the needs of an article. Writers can even import stories from their own blogs! Readers can also benefit from HackerNoon’s accessibility options. Dark Mode and the Synthetic Audio Player are just a couple of ways more people can enjoy reading articles.
If first-time writers are having trouble getting published, HackerNoon also offers a guide on how to write an effective article. This is only one of the many resources available to writers on the website!
2. High Domain Authority and Distribution Network

Personal blogs rely on the writer’s own abilities to reach new people. Major publications rely on their own popularity and established audience to get the writer’s work out in the open. HackerNoon automatically promotes new articles, but writers can continue to promote themselves as well. By learning about HackerNoon’s distribution of articles, writers can discover how the company helps them get known by thousands of readers worldwide.
HackerNoon boasts a high Domain Rating, which means an article published on the website can easily appear at the top of Google searches. With good Search Engine Optimization, targeting a specific phrase in an article is sure to catch the attention of countless people. HackerNoon also tweets out new stories as they’re published automatically, giving hundreds of aspiring writers the exposure they need. The publication also offers many tips and tricks that writers can use to reach even more people. Between SEO, tags, and meta descriptions, there’s a lot that up-and-coming writers can learn about with the help of HackerNoon.
3. Monetizing & Networking

While writing on HackerNoon is voluntary, there are many ways that writers can make money off of their articles on the website.
It’s possible to gain rewards through viewership by linking one’s HackerNoon profile with Coil, a platform that allows viewers to access monetized content. The more a member reads a writer’s articles, the more money that writer will get.
On HackerNoon, writers own their content. Writers can share their writing at their discretion. They can even advertise themselves on the website, maximizing their exposure and drawing even more readers to the writer’s creations. HackerNoon gives people the chance to turn their writing into a career.
Writing Contests with Cash Prizes
These are more ways wrtiers can monetize their work. HackerNoon offers writing contests where published articles have the chance to win thousands of dollars in prizes.
Affiliate Links
It’s also possible for people to collaborate with the company through affiliate links and newsletter ads. HackerNoon allows writers to make money off of their content in more ways than one.
4. Learning New Skills

Writers have access to numerous resources at HackerNoon.The website’s Help and support page isn’t just for resolving technical issues. There, writers can find tips and tricks to help them improve their content and reach wider audiences. Assets and general writing guidelines are provided, as well as information on the website’s formatting. Many of these tips can be applied to other places as well, allowing writers to make the most of their content creation even outside of HackerNoon.
The ability to learn from HackerNoon doesn’t just apply to writing. The website contains hundreds of articles on coding, software development, and machine learning, among other topics. It also offers direct links to self-paced courses. Aspiring developers and technology enthusiasts can get a lot out of HackerNoon’s resources, and they can even learn some fantastic writing skills along the way.

If writers would like more resources - and more opportunities to get published on HackerNoon - the HackerNoon Blogging Fellowship is an option that many should consider. By joining the Fellowship, writers are able to speak directly with editors and experts. The number of resources available to writers is multiplied exponentially, allowing for even more knowledge to be gained. Even long-time, professional writers can learn something new thanks to HackerNoon’s assistance.
5. Get Published Alongside the World’s Largest Tech Companies

An article that gets published on HackerNoon stands alongside thousands of others. Writers don’t just learn about new ways to create content; they also get incredible opportunities to learn about the world of technology. HackerNoon covers topics such as programming, cryptocurrency, artificial intelligence, and gaming. It only makes sense for aspiring writers to read other articles on the website to get a good idea on what’s worth publishing. By doing so, they learn new ways to improve their articles and they gain more knowledge about so many advanced technology-based topics.

Many writers at HackerNoon are veterans in the world of technology. Employees of big-name companies such as Microsoft, IBM, and Amazon have shared numerous articles for readers to enjoy. Not only can aspiring writers learn from these seasoned veterans and their articles, but their own published work will stand alongside them on the website. An everyday tech enthusiast can get more closely integrated into the world of technology; with enough time and effort, they might even grab the attention of the largest tech conglomerates in the world.
HackerNoon is a place for both readers and writers to learn. To get published on HackerNoon, a writer simply needs willingness and a love for tech. They can use the website to reach a wider audience or to begin their writing career, learning new skills along the way. Anyone looking to take advantage of publishing articles on HackerNoon should sign up and begin their journey towards becoming a full-fledged writer.